31 - 40 of 635 for mathematica
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Artlandia is a Mathematica-based application that lets you construct patterns, ornaments, designs, and even art. It features more than a hundred new functions, options and ...
Mathematica Italian Language Kit is an add-on to Mathematica 5.0 that provides an Italian user interface for Mathematica. The Mathematica interface--including menus, ...
We apply the method by M. Sandri in order to determine the maximum Lyapunov exponent as well as all the Lyapunov exponents. Result can be compared to the Matlab code written ...
Mathematica French Language Kit is an add-on to Mathematica 5 that provides a French user interface and documentation for Mathematica. The Mathematica interface--including ...
DifferentialForms.m is a package for symbolic computation with exterior differential forms in R^n. Functions implemented include ExteriorDerivative, Pair, Pullback, Push, ...
The statistical functions of Mathematica are explored using a case study Einfuehrung in die statistischen Funktionen von Mathematica Anhand eines Fallsbeispiels wird in ...
This notebook explains how Macintosh users can set up scheduling of Mathematica calculations. In this example you will download data into Mathematica, and process the data. ...
We use Mathematica to find the analytical solutions of the Duffing problem without friction. With the numerical capabilities of Mathematica, we check our solutions.The ...
These modules provide communication between Mathematica and AVS. They allow the user to transmit data sets and three-dimensional objects from Mathematica to AVS and import ...
The enumeration of all stellations of the icosahedron was accomplished in 1938. The geometric constructions and combinatorial algorithms used can easily be programmed in ...