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This is a Mathematica package for the two-dimensional classical molecular dynamics calculuation of the Lenerd-Jones potential system.
Package for using native LaTeX syntax on eps figures directly from Mathematica.
This notebook includes a demonstration of the variants of the Josephus problem and proves the recursive relation with Mathematica.
TSi Controls is a Mathematica package that supports the design of feedback control laws for dynamical systems. It includes functions for the analysis of both linear and ...
The Binarica notebook contains cells for fast reading of a binary file and conversion of its IEEE single-precision floating point byte stream into Mathematica ...
MathLink for O-Matrix enables the transfer of both data and programs between Mathematica and O-Matrix.
This is an interesting Mathematica notebook which shows two simple examples of Variational calculus in Electromangentism and Schrodinger's Equation.
The Mathematica module provides an interface to the MathLink(TM) library. Functions are not exported and should be called as methods. Therefore the Perl names have the 'ML' ...
Although processing of commutative expressions is built into Mathematica, relatively no support is given to noncommutative expression manipulation. These packages have been ...
MathDraw is a Mathematica package which can draw all geometric objects which traditionally require a ruler and compass.