171 - 180 of 635 for mathematica
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This system of notebooks and packages is an innovative contribution to flexible learning, using Mathematica interactively. Unlike previous approaches which have used ...
With this Mathematica package GifMovieTool.m one can produce animated Mathematica GIF movies in a UNIX enviroment. GIF Movies can be viewed directely with Web browsers like ...
The notebook "Pseudo-Riemannian Geometry and Tensor-Analysis" can be used as an interactive textbook introducing into this part of differential geometry. It continues the ...
The notebook presents the solution of an optimization problem that was used to illustrate the Simplex method in Pratical Optimization Methods with Mathematica Applications, ...
A code tutorial of Mathematica functions using methods from Java Swing to create a visual application to analyze the solutions and errors computed by the Mathematica function ...
AELink is a Mathematica application that allows Mac OS X users to send arbitrary Apple events from within Mathematica. Virtually anything that can be done with Applescript ...
The packages in this item contain Mathematica definitions to enable the user to carry out computations in n-dimensional hyperbolic geometry and display two- and ...
The notebook examples highlight how to transition from regular Mathematica programs to parallel Mathematica programs in a very intuitive and easy way (in some cases, with a ...
Mathematica is used to view and test the movement of a proposed robotic arm. The Mathematica package used to create this animation has not been included, since it is a ...
MathSaver is a screensaver for Microsoft Windows 32 machines that uses the Mathematica kernel to generate graphics. It comes with just 6 Mathematica code snippets to display ...