151 - 160 of 635 for mathematica
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The package KochSnowflake.m defines a function to draw the Koch snowflake. The Koch snowflake is constructed by starting with an equilateral triangle, then adding to each ...
The Mathematica function DSolve has been equipped with several modern algorithms for solving higher order linear ordinary differential equations (ODEs) in Version 5.2. The ...
The notebook nspline.nb contains a Mathematica command which produces the natural cubic spline coefficients for a set of 2D data points. Examples of its use to create and ...
BIOKMOD solves biokinetic and pharmacokinetic models using system of ordinary differential equations. The package is friendlier than used directly Mathematica functions ...
A Mathlink interface to model reduction modules from the SLICOT library. It supports Balance & Truncate model reduction (BTA) AB09AD; Singular perturbation approximation ...
Knots, braids, bends, links, hitches, weaves etc. are described by d-dimensional space-curves. Their projections can be shown as 2D shadows, 2.5D knot diagrams, and 3D tubes ...
polyFit[n, {xdata, errX}, {ydata, errY}, #, opts] finds the polynomial expression of the form y = a + b x + c x^2 + ... that fit best with 'xdata' and 'ydata' (it's a ...
Descartes is a series of packages to do geometry with Mathematica. The first volume is: 2D Euclidean Geometry. The program contains a toolkit of basic geometrical objects: ...
The notebook simplex.ma contains a simplex command which produces a simplex tableau for a linear programming problem. Examples of its use to solve a standard maximization ...
This application estimates probabilities of at least one chiasma in subchromosomal segments between centromeres, telomeres and breakpoints. The input data are observed ...