131 - 140 of 635 for mathematica
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Ricci is a Mathematica package for doing symbolic tensor computations that arise in differential geometry. Some of its capabilities include: manipulation of tensor ...
This item contains numerical methods routines in Mathematica 3.0. These notebooks correspond to chapters in the book, Numerical Methods for Mathematics, Science and ...
SciDraw is a system for preparing publication-quality scientific figures with Mathematica. SciDraw provides both a framework for structuring figures and tools for generating ...
This submission is a Mathematica notebook that shows the (equation-driven) motion of a double pendulum in three dimensions. This simulation requires a free download of ...
The system is a rather complete implementation of the principles of oo. It implements the following features, which are not always found in other oo systems: - multiple ...
The GPS phase ambiguity is a global, quadratic mixed integer programming problem, which should be computed online. To solve the problem, probably the most popular procedure ...
Once a method has been programmed in Mathematica, it is straightforward to provide instructive visualizations. Three examples are provided here: 1. A solution of the ...
TeXTableForm.m converts Mathematica lists to LaTeX tabulars. It is able to use supertab.sty and format large amounts of data into several columns.
Many articles dealing with insulin - glucose control have been published in the last decade, and all of them assumed that all the system state variables are available for ...
MathGL3d is an interactive, OpenGL based viewer for Mathematica's 3D Graphics. It supports free rotation, simple animations, textures, interactive viewpoint and light source ...