101 - 110 of 635 for mathematica
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This paper introduces some ideas for translating the functional language Mathematica to the data-parallel language High Performance Fortran (HPF). It first discusses why we ...
The GnuDisplay package generates Gnuplot 3.0 input files from Plot and Line -Graphics- Objects of Mathematica 2.0. The PlotLabel is also included. These plots are then ready ...
A brief example is given to demonstrate how to convert a Mathematica notebook to a Microsoft Word document retaining the figures and equations from the notebook. The ...
This notebook defines two functions -- SimpleGrid and FancyGrid -- which can be used to produce customized grids on Mathematica plots.
calcE is a collection of Mathematica packages which increase the power and ease of use of Mathematica for everyday tasks such as two-dimensional graphics, displaying tables ...
Knowing derivatives exposure is essential part of prudent risk management and counterparty risk in particular. Therefore institutions that trade financial derivatives and ...
Programming and Problem-Solving via Mathematica is the text used for CS1 at Davidson College and was created by Rich Neidinger, John Swallow, and Todd Will. A broad-based ...
Package with a few extra astronomical / calendar / epoch features that mathematica does not have. supports multiple calendars (julian, gregorian, synodic, anomalistic) ...
The package Optimize.m provides an efficient (linear time) means of expression optimization for Mathematica. The term "optimization" is used in the sense of reducing the ...
Mathematica, has a number of functions for linear and nonlinear optimization, all comes with the standard version. These include unconstrained, constrained optimization and ...