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Tutorial intended for a user familiar with procedural programming and interested in learning Mathematica and functional programming and emphasizes good programming ...
This article contains a collection of Flash movies ready for use in a classroom, displaying various Flash-based instructional models on Mathematics and Mathematica learning. ...
In this work, I introduce the features of my package BinaryResponse.m with a short review of Logit and Probit models. The package calculates the maximum likelihood estimates ...
A symbolic toolbox that provides MATLAB users with all of the symbolic and high- precision numeric capabilities of Mathematica. It uses the MathLink communication standard ...
This package solves the reverse problem of the Mathematica Symbolic Toolbox for MATLAB. That is, MaMa allows the Mathematica user to call MATLAB from within Mathematica. MaMa ...
The notebooks computes the Isobaric Vapor-Liquid Diagram for any non-ideal binary mixture using the Antoine equation and the Van Laar activity coefficient model. The new ...
In this case study a fully symbolic design and modelling method are presented for blood glucose control of diabetic patiens under intensive care. The analysis is based on a ...
At the Mathworld entry, Symmetric Cubic Graph, various embeddings can be seen of graphs in the Foster Census. After failing to find a "nice" embeddings for F60, the authors ...
Plain-text copy of an article from "Mathematica in Education", Vol. 1, No. 1, discussing the creation of animations and flipbooks using Mathematica. The related code is also ...
A symbolic toolbox that provides MATLAB users with all of the superior symbolic and high-precision numeric capabilities of Mathematica. It uses the MathLink communication ...