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These notebook files provide information for making the most of Complex Analysis with Mathematica with Version 6 of Mathematica. They are updates to the encrypted material ...
PYML is an interface between the computer language Python (http://www.python.org) and Mathematica. Mathematica expressions can be written in Python code, evaluated, and their ...
SchemeLink (formerly MrMathematica) is a Mathematica FrontEnd in PLT Scheme. It provides the ability to call Mathematica from PLT Scheme. Put in another way, it provide full ...
In the lab course on simulation and modelling I am assisting, the students have to turn in their work electronically as a Mathematica notebook. The reports are then printed ...
This system of packages is an innovative contribution to flexible learning, using Mathematica interactively, by means of webMathematica. It is based on the MathSource item ...
This notebook illustrates how the Mathematica 6 spikey was created.
This notebook started when Dr. Wolfram was planning his invited talk for COMDEX, and he realized he needed a complex animation as a part of his presentation. Originally, the ...
Pythonika is a MathLink module that allows to write and evaluate Python code from within Mathematica Notebooks. Pythonika automatically translates all basic types from ...
The MathematicaHandbook provides lessons, examples, and templates for a wide variety of problems in science and engineering. It can be used as a supplementary text in any ...
This is a simple package to enable the easy use of aliases in Mathematica. It defines the functions: Alias, UnAlias and ListAliases. These respectively add an alias, remove ...