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This notebook has a dual purpose. As first, it roughly implements the octonionic multiplication and calculates the commutator relations of the Lie algebra g2. As second, it ...
Automata is a hybrid Mathematica/C++ package that manipulates finite state machines and their syntactic semigroups. A number of operations on one-dimensional cellular ...
In the notebook and the packages we define basic operations for Lie algebras of matrices, and calculate the Killing forms of the following Lie algebras: the general linear ...
The Galois Field package is an implementation of finite fields in Mathematica. The package uses the same operations as Mathematica itself (i.e., +,-,*,/ ,^): this requires ...
The package "baseBall" was developed to provide a graphic animation of the trajectory of a baseball. The user can input the pitch and bat speed and find the trajectory of the ...
ErrorBarLogPlots.m is a package which adds log-scale plotting functions similar to the standard ErrorListPlot provided in Mathematica 6. The added functions are ...
Mathematica tutorial notesWe will show a number of ways in which Differential Evolution, a member of the genetic/evolutionary family of optimization methods, can be used for ...
The package "VertexEnumeration" contains Mathematica implementations of Avis-Fukuda algorithms for enumerating all vertices of a convex polytope given by a system of linear ...
The Mathematica package BeamFrequencies calculates natural frequencies of uniform single-span beams in lateral vibration. The module FrequencyEQ derives the characteristic ...
This article contains a collection of Flash movies ready for use in a classroom, displaying various Flash-based instructional models on Mathematics and Mathematica learning. ...