61 - 70 of 142 for linear
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MathLink for O-Matrix enables the transfer of both data and programs between Mathematica and O-Matrix.
This Mathematica Package is a survey of the symplectic group Sp(2n), with an introduction to its properties, programming of its elements, and analysis of given elements. An ...
Numerically solving an elliptic partial differential equation often requires solving a very large, but sparse, linear system. This notebook contains an example in which ...
Mathematica, has a number of functions for linear and nonlinear optimization, all comes with the standard version. These include unconstrained, constrained optimization and ...
The mathematics behind various nonlinear optimization techniques can be obscured by the details of the numerical methods used to reach the solution. Using symbolic matrix ...
The cascade model is widely applied in water-currents flow calculations. The mathematical background of the cascade models is convolution. The convolution, especially in the ...
We use two methods: (1) ZTransform and its inverse (2) the command RSolve to solve a second order linear difference equation and a system of coupled first order linear ...
This four-bar linkage kinematic analysis package plots linear velocity and acceleration curves for a specified point on the coupler link, angular velocity and angular ...
Briefly, this submission is an extension of my last three submissions. I have extended the number of unknowns and equations for quaternions, octonions and sedenions. These ...
TSi Dynamics is a Mathematica package containing functions that support the assembly of mathematical models and simulation models for mechanical systems. In its current form, ...