51 - 60 of 142 for linear
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We apply eight prediction methods to eleven data sets and compare the prediction capabilities of the various methods. The methods are polynomial regression, support vector ...
A suite of several packages designed for use in higher education, from pre-calculus through linear algebra and differential equations. A description of the contents of each ...
This is an implementation of the Method of Multipliers (also known as the Augmented Lagrangian Method) due to Hestenes, Powell, Rockafellar and others. It solves nonlinear ...
This package allows you to compute a dynamical system from given data. The algorithm was published by A. C. Antoulas in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (Dec. 93) and ...
The package BeamStatics.m calculates shear force, bending moment, slope, and deflection functions for a straight Euler--Bernoulli beam in static equilibrium. The program is ...
MultipleLogListPlot is an elaborate overlay on MultipleListPlot that permits the user to enter data in linear coordinates and display the graph in LogLog, LogLinear, ...
Analysis of covariance is used to assess the statistical significance of mean differences among experimental groups with an adjustment made for initial differences on one or ...
We apply a modified version of the two methods descibed by M. Sandri in order to determine the maximum Lyapunov exponent and all Lyapunov exponents. The modification ...
The notebooks in this collection were created during work on the WAVE project. Project_comments.nb contains comments on the WAVE project and the notebooks. All other ...
Nonlinear boundary value differential equations are usually solved with the "shooting method". In this technique, the initial conditions are adjusted until the boundary ...