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This package can expand meromorphic functions of argument x^(1/p) with integer p of certain types into their corresponding Laurent-Puiseux series as a sum of expressions of ...
Gröbner bases are special bases of polynomial ideals which are very important in computer algebra. Gröbner bases of toric ideals can be used to perform integer linear ...
Given the coefficients c={c(0),...,c(n-1)} of a (monic) irreducible polynomial of degree n over Z_p, where p is a prime number, this file automatically generates a complete ...
Analog Insydes is a Mathematica application package for modeling, analysis, and design of analog electronic circuits, tailored specifically for industrial applications. Here ...
Knots, braids, bends, links, hitches, weaves etc. are described by d-dimensional space-curves. Their projections can be shown as 2D shadows, 2.5D knot diagrams, and 3D tubes ...
Accessing external routines is a feature often requested by Mathematica users. This notebook contains some examples in which the InterCall package is used to interactively ...
In our research of iridium oxide film microelectrodes for neural stimulation, the surface area of the microelectrode is an important parameter that needs to be calculated ...
Notebooks highlighting new features in Mathematica 5.1. A zip of all notebooks is also available. See the What's New in Mathematica 5.1 page product pages for more ...
The package BowkerSymmetryExactTest computes a statistical test of the hypothesis that an observed r x r contingency table containing absolute frequencies is symmetric. It ...
This is an unsupported release of COSY-PAK, a COntrol SYstems analysis PAcKage for symbolic control systems analysis using Mathematica 2.0 and higher. Classical control ...