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Given the coordinate N-vector and a metric (N x N matrix), the package defines "functions" which return the inverse metric, the Christoffel connection, the Riemann, Ricci and ...
The Mathematica function DSolve has been equipped with several modern algorithms for solving higher order linear ordinary differential equations (ODEs) in Version 5.2. The ...
The program Green's Functions with Reflection computes the Green's function of a boundary value problem given by a linear nth-order differential equation with reflection and ...
This article presents the H2/Hinf control (disturbance rejection LQ method) of the Bergman minimal model, [10] for Type I diabetic patients under intensive care using ...
The package Optimize.m provides an efficient (linear time) means of expression optimization for Mathematica. The term "optimization" is used in the sense of reducing the ...
Some frequently employed algorithms in geosciences are parallel by nature (embarrasingly parallel algorithms) and some others can be parallelized via data parallelization. ...
ElementaryDecompositions.m is a package for factoring matrices with entries in a Euclidean ring as a product of elementary matrices, permutation matrices, and a diagonal ...
The MathematicaHandbook provides lessons, examples, and templates for a wide variety of problems in science and engineering. It can be used as a supplementary text in any ...
This package contains several generally useful extensions to Mathematica. It centers around ipoly[f,x,a,b], which integrates over arbitrary polytopes, and routines that ...
LdeApprox - Mathematica package for numeric and symbolic polynomial approximation of an LDE solution or function. The method applied is numerically - analytical one ...