11 - 20 of 142 for linear
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A package which computes on a given triangular 2D mesh the linear Galerkin FEM stiffness matrix. No derivative is needed.
An introduction to linear algebra with Mathematica, focused on the needs of economic and statistical research. Matrizen mit Mathematica Einfuehrung in die Lineare Algebra ...
This is an incomplete collection of Mathematica materials to accompany ATLAST Computer Exercises for Linear Algebra, by Leon, Herman and Faulkenberry, Prentice Hall, New ...
The packages Numerico.m and Numerial.m provide routines for direct methods of solving linear systems. These routines include vector norms, LU decomposition, and Cholesky ...
Numerical integral equations NIntegrateSolve solves a linear Fredholm second kind one- dimensional integral equation on an interval with rather smooth both kernel and free ...
The CustomTicks package provides extensive customization of tick mark placement and formatting, for preparation of publication-quality figures. Linear, logarithmic, and ...
BootStrapPackage is designed to produce some summary statistics and confidence intervals based on bootstrap percentiles and BCa percentiles for the mean, simple linear ...
Using any prime number desired, a general system of linear equations may be solved. The Eight-Step method is once again used to find all inverses. If a given system has no ...
Convergence is accelerated using the Wegstein method. This has application in chemical process simulators where the Wegstein method is applied to the tear stream. Wegstein ...
Calculates the fundamental matrix Y for the initial value problem Y'(x) = A(x) Y(x), Y(x0) = J, where x0