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This package provides only one function: GWR. The function calculates the value of the inverse of a Laplace transform at a specified time point. The Laplace transform should ...
Many applied Maths/Physics subjects involve partial differential equations that may be solved by using Laplace transforms. However the inversion of the expressions in the ...
The package LESolver.m (Laplace Equation Solve) contains Mathematica code that solves the Laplace equation in two dimensions for a simply connected region with Dirichlet ...
The inversion of Laplace transforms is performed using two methods: (1) the Zakian method and (2) the Fourier series approximation. Results are in agreement with analytical ...
Laplace's equation can be solved numerically and very conveniently with Mathematica by the use of symbolic interpolation. Here we solve Laplace's equation in two dimensions ...
PolyHarm calculates a basic set of polynomial solutions for the iterated Laplace or wave equation using the explicit formula given in the paper: E.P. Miles, Jr. and Ernest ...
This package provides only one function: FT. The function calculates the value of the inverse of a Laplace transform at a specified time point. The Laplace transform should ...
This package contains additional definitions of Analytical Inverse Laplace transforms that cannot be performed using Mathematica 3.0 & earlier versions. Functions that may be ...
In the present notebook three methods are used to solve a heat conduction problem. This problem is given in M. N. Özisik, Heat Conduction, Wiley, New York, 1980. We use ...
The finite element method is the standard approach for solving partial differential equations in geometries in which the boundaries are not simple variable ranges. This ...