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91 - 100 of 199 for polynomials Search Results
In his study of papers by Osgood of Kolchin on rational approximations of algebraic functions, Schmidt observed and proved a theorem which states that the dimension of the ...
It is often the case that the exact moments of a statistic of the continuous type can be explicitly determined, while its density function either does not lend itself to ...
This thesis investigates symbolic computation in the domain of difference equations (or recurrence relations). The goal is to obtain explicit solutions of a given equation ...
A 1961 conjecture of Baker, Gammel and Wills asserts that if a function f is meromorphic in the unit ball, and analytic at zero, then a subsequence of its diagonal Padé ...
We describe an innovative method for proving total correctness of tail recursive programs having a specific structure, namely programs in which an auxiliary tail recursive ...
Mathematica can be used to compute and form Cayley tables of the Galois groups of polynomials in Q. In addition, Mathematica can actually define a field extension and ...
A Mathematica package, "CONDU.M," has been developed to find the polynomial in concentration and temperature which best fits conductimetric data of the type (kappa, c, T) or ...
As with many problems that crop up on the MathGroup mailing list, there's more than one way to integrate a 180th-degree polynomial, and it sometimes takes trial and error and ...
By use of a computer and Mathematica the elementary function cos x is visualized as a limit of the graphs of Taylor polynomials. A slight modification of the Taylor ...
A reverse force analysis of a spatial three-spring system is presented which determines equilibrium positions when an external force is applied. The system consists of three ...
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