81 - 90 of 199 for polynomials
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In this paper we consider different involutive divisions and describe their implementation in Mathematica together with algorithms for the construction of involutive bases ...
We extend the algorithm for computing {1}, {1, 3}, {1,4} inverses and their gradients from [11] to the set of multiple-variable rational and polynomial matrices. An ...
The classical Gauss-Laguerre quadrature rule for the semi-infinite integration interval (10, variation) is modified and applied to the case of the weight function exp(-x)/x ...
Mathematica's algebraic manipulative functions are used to find an 88-term polynomial defining a surface.
Three symbolic algorithms for testing the integrabilty of polynomial systems of partial differential and differential-difference equations are presented. The first algorithm ...
The traveling salesman problem is perhaps the best known of the NP-complete problems. These are the most difficult problems in the class known as NP (nondeterministic ...
A fast algorithm implemented in Mathematica provides one-step elimination of a block of unknowns from a system of polynomial equations.
An analytical method to calculate invariants is developed, based on the theory of complete systems of simultaneous linear first order partial differential equations. The ...
The eigenfunction expansion methods is used to obtain numerical Green's functions to solve for deflection of irregular-shaped classical plates. The associated eigenvalus ...
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