51 - 60 of 199 for polynomials
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In this paper, center conditions and bifurcations of limit cycles for a class of cubic polynomial system in which the origin is a nilpotent singular point are studied. A ...
In this paper we design an algorithm using operational calculus methods and Mathematica functional programming operators. The purpose of the algorithm is the computation of ...
We present an adaptive multiprecision poly-algorithm for the approximation of all the roots of polynomials with complex coefficients whose real and imaginary parts can be ...
A package of programs written using the symbolic mathematics program, Mathematica ®, has been developed. Its principal usage is in teaching the LIMM method to students ...
This note presents some nonevident ways for determining the colorability of a graph and the number of its colorings via algebraic manipulations of polynomials in many ...
For polynomials P(x) = A_n x^n + A_n-1 x^n-1 + ... + A_1 x + A_0 in a real scalar x, but with coefficients A_j that are rectangular matrices, a generalization of Newton's ...
To evaluate the class of integrals f1-1e-axf(x) dx, where alpha is an element of R+ and the function f(x) is known only approximately in a tabular form, we wish to use a ...
In this paper we give a comuter proof of a new polynomial identity, which extends a recent result of Alladi and the first author. In addition, we rovide computer proofs for ...
The first associated (numerator polynomials) of all classical orthogonal polynomials satisfy one fourth-order differential equation valid for the four classical families, but ...
H(curl) conforming finite element discretizations are a powerful tool for the numerical solution of the system of Maxwell’s equations in electrodynamics. In this paper we ...