31 - 40 of 199 for polynomials
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In this article we present four analytic recurrence algorithms for the multivariable Adomian polynomials. As special cases, we deduce the four simplified results for the ...
This is a report on the Samuelson-Berkowitz-Abdeljaoued Algorithm (SBA), which is a very efficient computation of the characteristic polynomial in an arbtrary ring. We ...
We recall a known result (cf. [1]) expressing certain 4F3 hypergeometric functions as products of 2F1 hypergeometric functions. We consider the polynomial case and show how ...
The purpose of this paper is to present some basic properties of the orthogonal polynomials associated with a non-standard measure on the unit interval of the real line.
During the summer of 1995 the authors engaged in an undergraduate research program that investigated various conjectures about orthogonal polynomials. While exploring the ...
This paper extends a previous work done by the same authors on teaching 1d polynomial interpolation using Mathematica to higher dimensions. In this work, it is intended to ...
We are presenting an algorithm capable of simplifying tensor polynomials with indices when the building tensors have index symmetry properties. These properties include ...
An algorithm for computing polynomial zeros, based on Aberth's method, is presented. The starting approximations are chosen by means of a suitable application of Rouchés ...
The Chapman-Enskog solutions of the Boltzmann equations provide a basis for the computation of important transport coefficients for both simple gases and gas mixtures. These ...
We are presenting an algorithm capable of simplifying tensor polynomials with indices when the building tensors have index symmetry properties. These properties include ...