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191 - 199 of 199 for polynomials Search Results
In this paper, we give an algorithm to show how to construct y as a formal power series in x in a given equation f(x,y) = 0, where f is in C[x,y]. Since we can always ...
In Part I of this paper, we started from a dipole array model of elastic light scattering, and found the longwave asymptotic formulas for all 16 elements of the orientation ...
The key to the success of the finite element method is that the local test functions are based on element geometry alone-- irrespective of the governing field equation. ...
Migration to zero offset (MZO) is a prestack partial migration process that transforms finite-offset seismic data into a close approximation to zero-offset data, regardless ...
The motion of a dynamical system may be approximated as a sequence of discrete steps in time described by transfer maps. In the field of accelerator physics, Taylor series ...
The Gröbner walk method converts a Gröbner basis by partitioning the computation of the basis into several smaller computations following a path in the Gröbner fan of the ...
A new, very fast code, SSFPQL, which solves the steady state quasi-linear kinetic equation describing the ion distribution function during ion cyclotron heating in two ...
Formal Laurent-Puiseux series are important in many branches of mathematics. This paper presents SpecialFunctions.m (PowerSeries.m for Mathematica version 2.2), a Mathematica ...
The recent works of Evertse–Ferretti (Evertse and Ferretti, A generalization of the subspace theorem with polynomials of high degree, Dev. Math. (2008), pp.175–198) and ...
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