111 - 120 of 199 for polynomials
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We present a discrete model for light reflection and transmission of turbid media based on lattice paths. We compare the results with the popular Kubelka–Munk model. We ...
The computer program ‘Fecom.nb’ implementing the Fedosov ∗-product in Darboux coordinates is presented. It has been written in Mathematica 6.0 but it can be easily ...
A straightforward algorithm for the symbolic computation of higher-order symmetries of nonlinear evolution equations and lattice equations is presented. The scaling ...
We present a program for the numerical evaluation of multi-dimensional polynomial parameter integrals. Singularities regulated by dimensional regularisation are extracted ...
Standard optical imaging systems change their focal length by mechanical movement of lenses and lens groups along the optical axes. An alternative approach is realized in ...
The Mathematica software package provides a range of tools for working with atomic and molecular systems. The symbolic tools include orthogonal polynomials and Clebsch-Gordan ...
In this paper, the problem of center conditions and bifurcation of limit cycles at the infinity for a class of cubic systems are investigated. The method is based on a ...
Gröbner bases are used heavily throughout computational mathematics. This article demonstrates the new functionality of Mathematica's GroebnerBasis command and describes two ...
We present IntU package for Mathematica computer algebra system. The presented package performs a symbolic integration of polynomial functions over the unitary group with ...
In 1973, D. A. Brannan conjectured that odd Maclaurin coefficients An( y, , ) of the function (1þyz)/(1z) satisfy the inequality jAn(y, , )jjAn(1, , )j for all y, ...