11 - 20 of 199 for polynomials
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We study the q-Bernoulli polynomials, which were constructed by Kim, are analytic continued to beta(s)(z). A new formula for the q-Riemann zeta function zeta(q)(s) due to Kim ...
The polynomials that arise as coefficients when a power series is raised to the power x include many important special cases, which have surprising properties that are not ...
Symbolic calculations involving large polynomials with multiple variables can be surprisingly difficult in Mathematica. The package PolynomialMV provides an approach to ...
Given a radical expression, it is not hard to discover a polynomial having it as a root.
We deal with the problem of obtaining closed formulas for the connection coefficients between orthogonal polynomial sequences and, also, the canonical sequence, using a ...
Problems from the theory of ordinary differential equations, numerical mathematics and control theory lead to the investigation of stability of polynomials. The authors ...
In this article, we present new algorithms for the nonclassic Adomian polynomials, which are valuable for solving a wide range of nonlinear functional equations by the ...
A list adaptation of an inclusion-exclusion method for calculating the rook polynomials of arbitrary finite chessboards is discussed and presented.
In 1929 S. Bochner identified the families of polynomials which are eigenfunctions of a second order linear differential operator. What is the appropriate generalization of ...
Many fascinating facts are known relating the roots of a polynomial to the roots of its derivatives. And whereas many of these facts are easily accessible to an undergraduate ...