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131 - 140 of 220 for phase portrait Search Results
The anisotropic oxide superconductors YBa2Cu3O7-delta and Sr2RuO4 have been epitaxially combined in various ways (c-axis on c-axis, c-axis on a-axis, and a-axis on a-axis) ...
The principal values of the chemical shift tensors of all ^13C and ^15N sites in two antibiotics, ampicillin and penicillin-V, were determined by 2-dimensional phase adjusted ...
McCabe-Thiele Method for an Ideal ...   (MathSource: Packages and Programs)
The notebook computes the number of equilibrium stages for a binary ideal mixture with relative volatility equal to 2.45. The feed is a two phase mixture with a feed quality ...
The motion of a dynamical system may be approximated as a sequence of discrete steps in time described by transfer maps. In the field of accelerator physics, Taylor series ...
The density matrix of a spin-5/2 system excited by a spin-lock sequence {Y} {-X} -[acquisition (y)], is calculated from the equilibrium state to the acquisition period using ...
A split-step Padé solution is derived for the parabolic equation (PE) method. Higher-order Padé approximations are used to reduce both numerical errors and asymptotic ...
A software package of Mathematica, aimed at the analysis of 2H NMR Zeeman (T_1Z) and qadrupolar (T_1Q) spin-lattice relaxation times in liquid crystals in terms of ...
Calculation of the Solubity of ...   (MathSource: Packages and Programs)
The notebook shows how one can calculate the solubility of naphthalene in supercritical CO2. Computed values of solubilities are compared to experimentally determined ones. ...
The speckle phenomenon is ubiquitous, occurring in all regions of the electromagnetic spectrum, as well as in both ultrasound and synthetic-aperture-radar imaging. Speckle ...
Activity Coefficients in Solvated ...   (MathSource: Packages and Programs)
We compute activity coefficients of a solvating component that forms a bimolecular complex. In the first notebook, we show calculation of activity coefficients where only ...
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