91 - 100 of 198 for neural networks
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Let G = SL(2,C) and Fr be a rank r free group. Given an admissible weight λ in N3r−3, there exists a class function defined on Hom(Fr , G) called a central ...
We study the dynamics of a population subject to selective pressures, evolving either on RNA neutral networks or on toy fitness landscapes. We discuss the spread and the ...
IGraph/M is a LibraryLink interface to igraph, the popular network analysis package. It provides deep integration between igraph and Mathematica and allows using igraph's ...
We all know that social networks like Twitter have changed the nature of human interaction. But what if models and logic were positioned as peers on a social network? What ...
In this paper we show how Bayesian network models can be used to perform a sensitivity analysis using symbolic, as opposed to numeric, computations. An example of damage ...
We present classical multi-regional multi-sectoral input–output trade structures from the perspective of networks. Unlike existing approaches by which dynamic changes in ...
Nobody expected this—not even its creators: ChatGPT has burst onto the scene as an AI capable of writing at a convincingly human level. But how does it really work? ...
ATM is the new technique recommended by the CCITT for broadband ISDN. Performance of ATM networks will depend on switch performance and architectures. Performance of an ATM ...
This set of submissions includes notebooks and packages that are relevant to the simulation and analysis of wireless local area networks. They have been developed by ...