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This paper describes methods for determining the speeds of elastic waves propagating in cubic single crystals using a broadband point-source and point-receiver, i.e., PS/PR, ...
The EnhancedGraphics package defines a modified graphics layout for all plot routines: improved tick labels typeset in Helvetica, frames instead of axes, and an adjustable ...
Pioneer and innovative, "Fundamentos de Métodos Quantitativos Aplicados em Administração, Economia, Contabilidade e Atuária" [Foundations of Quantitative Methods in ...
We investigate the dynamical approach towards equilibrium during the wave-particle interaction process in plasmas. Particle in Cell (PIC) simulations are compared with a ...
Based on a highly popular, well-established course taught by the authors, Stochastic Processes: An Introduction, Second Edition discusses the modeling and analysis of random ...
Aimed at electrochemical researchers, graduate students, and anyone else who understands or is studying electrochemical fundamentals, this book explains how to use ...
Calculus I is the first volume of the three-volume calculus sequence by Tunc Geveci. The series is designed for the usual three-semester calculus sequence that the majority ...
A package to calculate multiple scattering according to the 2D wave equation. All scatterers at present need to be cylinders or the same size, but can be placed anywhere. The ...
Empirical Market Microstructure is about the institutions that have evolved to handle our trading needs, the economic forces that guide our strategies, and statistical ...
The area of numerical computation tends to break somewhat naturally into three subareas which, for want of better terms, we will call sampling, linear algebra, and theory. ...