4931 - 4940 of 4941 for mathematica
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This work reviews theoretical–experimental studies undertaken at COPPE/UFRJ on conjugated heat transfer problems associated with the transient thermal behavior of heated ...
The infusion of technology into Chemical Engineering education is the focus of this new interactive computer-based process control course. Interactive computer-based course ...
Optic flow is a commonly used term to describe the deformation of an image by a vector field, that is a pixel-to-pixel correspondence between the original and the deformed ...
In our research of iridium oxide film microelectrodes for neural stimulation, the surface area of the microelectrode is an important parameter that needs to be calculated ...
Some of the operator product expansions (OPEs) between the lowest 16 higher spin currents of spins (1, 3 2 , 3 2 , 3 2 , 3 2 , 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 5 2 , 5 2 , 5 2 , 5 2 , 3) in ...
In this work we calculate the corrections to the amputated Green’s functions of four-fermion operators, in 1-loop lattice perturbation theory. One of the novel aspects of ...
En este art´ıculo presentamos tres algoritmos para calcular la fusi´on de im´agenes multi foco. Estos algoritmos se basan en la combinaci´on lineal de un par de ...
The package BowkerSymmetryExactTest computes a statistical test of the hypothesis that an observed r x r contingency table containing absolute frequencies is symmetric. It ...
The recent works of Evertse–Ferretti (Evertse and Ferretti, A generalization of the subspace theorem with polynomials of high degree, Dev. Math. (2008), pp.175–198) and ...
A probability Denisty Functional Transform(DFT) is created from the past years stock price chart and the day to day ratios of price magnitude to allow us to estimate ...