3941 - 3950 of 4941 for mathematica
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Version 4 of Mathematicaincludes a number of enhancements ewpecially relevant to the signal/image processing community. The introduction of an efficient internal ...
In this work, the Mie scattering theory is implemented in the Mathematica package, and a very compact program is developed. Also, exact values of the electromagnetic total ...
In queuing systems with feedback of output customers, the time spent by a customer in the system from arrival to final departure (the sojourn time) is of a primary interest. ...
A simple hierarchical data structure (tree) and associated set of algorithms (written in Mathematica) have been developed that permit the direct manipulation of the topology ...
In this paper we address the problem of calculating the free state wave functions with predefined asymptotic behaviour (two-point boundary value problem). It is shown that, ...
We have common interests in geometry, use of computers in helping to advance mathematics, and implications for education. [Griffiths is former Dean of Faculty of Mathematical ...
In this paper electron optical canonical aberration theory and the generalized integration transformation have been applied to Hutter's electrostatic immersion lens whose ...
Under purely elastic conditions a constitutive model for clays should be conservative. This can be achieved by using a hyperelastic stress-strain relation derived from an ...
This paper describes a controller design software package called CONFAL. It is based on Gundes' stable factorization approach to the design of controllers which have fault ...
A generalized expression for the apparent diffusion coefficient (Dapp) for macroions as a function of scattering vector (q) is developed. Mathematica, a system of doing ...