3761 - 3770 of 4941 for mathematica
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In this study, we have studied to obtain some new analytical solutions to the (1 + 1)-dimensional nonlinear Dispersive Modified Benjamin– Bona–Mahony equation by using ...
We study the Wigner–Smith time-delay matrix Q of a ballistic quantum dot supporting N scattering channels. We compute the v-point correlators of the power traces TrQk for ...
A measure of the writhing of a curve is introduced and is used to extend the Călugăreanu decomposition for closed curves, as well as the polar decomposition ...
This study deals with the control of chaotic dynamics of tumor cells, healthy host cells, and effector immune cells in a chaotic Three Dimensional Cancer Model (TDCM) by ...
In this paper it has been introduced an innovative formulation for evaluating the deflection function of a simply supported plate loaded by uniformly distributed edge ...
M2SLink enables you to access the functionality of SAS from your Wolfram Notebook. With M2SLink, your notebook becomes your interface to SAS, allowing you to leverage the ...
The Mathematics Department at Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP) established a computerized learning environment, consisting of a classroom with 31 Macintosh Centris ...
Optica is a geometric ray-tracing package for Mathematica that can be used to design and analyze both simple and complex optical systems. In addition to Optica's built-in ...
In the first notebook Bingham_Fluid.nb, the velocity profiles of a vertical laminar flow of Bingham and Newtonian liquid films are computed and compared. With the Bingham ...
TuGames is a Mathematica package to determine and to check some game properties of transferable utility games. It provides more than 100 different functions to calculate, for ...