361 - 370 of 4941 for mathematica
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Designed as an introductory text for probability theory. By using Mathematica as the supporting technology rather than a statistics package, the author focuses on probability ...
In this paper, we show how Mathematica capabilities can be successfully applied in order to obtain the numerical solution of some integral equations. To this aim, we ...
Special functions are often at the heart of computations with Mathematica. I will outline evolutionary improvements of legacy special functions and present functions new in ...
Conrad Wolfram apporte une vision du monde de l’informatique technique passé, présent et à venir. Il explique en quoi le design ainsi que les ...
The first book in the "Learning Mathematics with Mathematica'' series. Shows how Mathematica can be used in learning elementary algebra. Each chapter provides explanations of ...
A variety of statistical functions are built into Mathematica, and more statistical computation can be done with a little programming. This talk will provide a general ...
Presentation material used in the China Mathematica Tour 2007.
Key new technologies enable Mathematica 5 to outperform dedicated numerical systems in raw computational speed, while introducing a host of innovative features. Until now, ...
Through design and tradition, each programming language has developed a certain preferred style of good programming. It is possible to solve the same problem in many ...
This talk will discuss the latest developments in webMathematica technology. It will cover how to use webMathematica to deliver Mathematica computations as web services. It ...