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This notebook demonstrates the use of indicies for the N body problem in 2 dimensions. Indicies allow the problem to be expressed generally for any number of bodies.The ...
The method of Sharp and Rosenstock for the calculation of Franck-Condon factors (J. chem. Phys. 41, 3453 (1964)) is revised. A few errors in the original contribution and in ...
While focusing on dynamic user interface and interactive graphics technologies, the Front End Group has also been busy improving many other aspects of the Mathematica user ...
Using mathStatica [1], Rose and Smith [2] illustrate the automated derivation of the exact density of order statistics obtained from a random sample of size n on a continuous ...
We discuss the application of MATHEMATICA for automated, symbolic calculation of the cumulant equations of arbitrary order. Like moment equations, these partial differential ...
We analytically perform the transverse momentum integrations in the real corrections to the longitudinal L impact factor. The resulting integrals are Feynman parameter ...
In 1882 J. J. Thomson had claimed in his Adams prize essay "The motion of vortex rings" that a ring of seven vortices would be unstable. It was shown later that linear ...
Tubes presents a comprehensive examination of Weyl's tube volume formula, its roots, and its implications. It includes a careful and thorough discussion of each step in the ...
In this paper, we use the Adomian decomposition method (ADM) for obtaining soliton solution of the Kaup–Kupershmidt (KK) equation. We prove the convergence of this method ...
This is an undergraduate textbook on physical chemistry published as four separate paperback volumes. It combines a thorough presentation of the theoretical and mathematical ...