3151 - 3160 of 4941 for mathematica
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Henri Genaille's Rods are a nineteenth-century device for doing multiplication, similar to, but easier to use than, the more familiar Napier's Bones. Genaille's Rods are ...
Mathematica 4 offers a wide range of possibilities to denoise experimental data sets. This how-to demonstrates two common approaches, Fourier and wavelet filtering. Also ...
The Fire.ma notebook contains a 60 frame animation of a fire. A fire texture, based on standard noise generating techniques, is written as a Mathematica function and then ...
As a part of the book A New Kind of Science, there are 350 pages of careful notes containing many Mathematica programs. They are available at the site wolframscience.com. ...
From the back cover: This book introduces "functional networks", a novel neural-based paradigm, and shows that functional network architectures can be efficiently applied to ...
Control System Professional is an application package that offers an object-oriented environment for solving common problems in control and systems areas within Mathematica. ...
A simple game written with Mathematica, showing how palettes can be made interactive. The game board consists of a 5x5 grid of "lights," each of which is on (red) or off ...
We present a new algorithm for calculating the chemical dimension dl of finitely ramified Sierpinski carpets. Using an algorithm of Dijkstra, we compute iteratively, using ...
An analytical algorithm for the calculation of molecular volume based on a model of partially overlapping spheres is presented. The algorithm takes into account the volume of ...
In teaching multivariable calculus, I have been looking for a simple means for calculating Taylor polynomials for real valued functions of several variables. It is a ...