2951 - 2960 of 4941 for mathematica
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Manipulate--a high-level function for creating instant interfaces, and the basis for the Wolfram Demonstrations Project--has grown a bit in Mathematica 7. This presentation ...
The main aim of this manuscript is to obtain numerical solutions for the nonlinear model of interpersonal relationships with time fractional derivative. The variational ...
Neste trabalho desenvolvemos um software que calcula os valores das doses externas numa instala»c~ao radioa- tiva, e os apresenta gra¯camente em curvas de n¶³vel de doses ...
Numerical analysis of acoustic wave propagation in YZ lithium niobate covered by ideal periodic metal strips is presented. A Mathematica package has been developed for the ...
Our graduate Symbolic Modeling class, taught by Dr. Willy Hereman, was assigned the task of comparing various methods of calculating the value of pi using Mathematica. The ...
Simulations can be a useful tool to simplify the solution of decision problems. However, as typically practiced, simulation often leads to improperly formulated models. This ...
For small problems, one hardly notices the time it takes Mathematica to compute the result. But there are cases when the computation takes an unbearable amount of time. What ...
A relationship between the menage problem and the study of alternating knots is developed following the ideas of Tait and Gilbert. Use is made of Burnside's theorem to count ...
This article describes ISNAP, a program for calculations atomic properties that uses an integrated symbolic and numerical approach for arbitrary excitations from closed-shell ...
We are presenting an algorithm capable of simplifying tensor polynomials with indices when the building tensors have index symmetry properties. These properties include ...