2871 - 2880 of 4941 for mathematica
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The traditional lecture format for this course has been revised to include a mix of lecture and active student participation. Short and long Mathematica exercises have been ...
This paper introduces cellular automaton technology to the field of law and economics. It provides this supplement to the traditional “constrained optimization” ...
GraphicalAnalysis.m is a Mathematica package designed to aid students and researchers in analyzing the dynamics of functions of a single real variable. The two main functions ...
traceUtils.m is a Mathematica package defining the functions tracePrintIndexed and tracePrintStack. traceUExamples.nb is a Mathematica notebook illustrating the features of ...
Three symbolic algorithms for testing the integrabilty of polynomial systems of partial differential and differential-difference equations are presented. The first algorithm ...
In this paper, we will consider several one-parameter families of plane curves bounding a constant area in the first quadrant. At the beginning, we will consider ...
A procedure to represent Hartree-Fock electron densities in atoms [L. Fernandez Pacios, J. Comp. Chem., 14, 410 (1993)] defines p(r) as a reduced expansion of exponential ...
The use of Mathematica in deriving mean likelihood estimators is discussed with several examples. Comparison between the maximum likelihood estimator and the mean likelihood ...
This notebook contains the animation mentioned on the bottom of page 383 of "Applied Mathematica: Getting Started, Getting it Done" by Shaw and Tigg (Addison Wesley, ISBN: ...
The usual deterministic model of a complex chemical reaction is a polynomial differential equation with as many variables as the number of species. Mathematical tools called ...