281 - 290 of 4941 for mathematica
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Mathematica has established itself as one of the most powerful and widely used tools in financial engineering. It is used by banks and financial institutions as well as by ...
Expanded English version of Erste Schritte mit Mathematica. A step-by-step introduction to Mathematica for first-time users. Each chapter includes self-test problems and ...
We will explain how to perform some non-trivial computer science research using Mathematica. Of interest are compiler based optimizations that can be coded from within ...
The Mathematica function NIntegrate is a general numerical integrator. It can handle a wide range of one-dimensional and multidimensional integrals. NIntegrate uses ...
Completely interactive courseware package covering the standard calculus course. Contains Mathematica notebooks on diskette and printed material. Appropriate for structured, ...
The goal of this tutorial is to gain a basic understanding of the Mathematica programming language. We will examine how Mathematica evaluates input, how to define functions ...
Mathematica packages often play a crucial role in many different types of problem solving. However, that is also the area that gives difficulty and frustration, typically for ...
There are many algorithms for data analysis and it's not always possible to quickly choose the best one for each case. Implementation of the algorithms takes a lot of time. ...
Mathematica for Physicists and Engineers provides the basic concepts of Mathematica for scientists and engineers, highlights Mathematica's several built-in functions, ...
Text designed as a tutorial with emphasis on getting the reader using Mathematica quickly. Can also be used as a supplement or reference for students taking a mathematics or ...