2571 - 2580 of 4941 for mathematica
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Introduction to differential equations well used in ecological model, including embryological one and migration of whales. Computational solutions are obtained and visualized ...
The talk will discuss support of stochastic calculus in the forthcoming version of Mathematica as well as applications it enables. (video, see link below)
In and Out offers readers an opportunity to ask questions of the experts. The Mathematica Journal encourages readers to submit problems in care of the editor. Answers posted ...
Rayica is a Mathematica application package that performs geometric, nonsequential, and polarization raytrace calculations of optical systems in three-dimensional space. ...
The author describes a package for obtaining the vibrational modes of non-linear polyatomic molecules. The computed normal modes are visualized through Mathematica generated ...
Automated algorithms for derivation of amplitude equations in the vicinity of monotonic and Hopf bifurcation manifolds are presented. The implementation is based on ...
The advanced symbolic and other capabilities of Mathematica make it the ideal tool for solving problems in the field for which calculus and much of modern mathematics was ...
Travelling wave solutions for the two-dimensional KdV-Burgers equation are obtained by using Mathematica. They are shown to be sums of a shock wave and solitary wave.
A standard procedure for the orthormalization of functions is the Gram-Schmidt method. It can be implemented in computer algebra systems like Maple, Mathematica, or MUPAD in ...
This is a simple example using the Mathematica application package LensLab to model the movement of rays through a spherical lens.