271 - 280 of 341 for interface
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A symbolic toolbox that provides MATLAB users with all of the superior symbolic and high-precision numeric capabilities of Mathematica. It uses the MathLink communication ...
This Mathematica code defines a function FortranDef that takes a Mathematica expression, writes a corresponding, optimized Fortran program, compiles it, and defines a ...
In this paper we describe QNAT, a software tool developed at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India, for the analysis and simulation queueing networks. Arbitrary ...
CopyPasteTools is an add-on palette that provides a simple copying and pasting data between Mathematica and other applications such as Microsoft Excel. The palette contains ...
MathSBML is a Mathematica package designed for manipulating Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) models. It converts SBML models into Mathematica data structures and ...
Abstract Intervals have been considered by mathematicians for a while, in the study of numerical functions and numerical analysis, But only in the 1960s Moore had the Idea ...
I learned how to program in 1970. In 2010, I decided to celebrate the occasion by rewriting the program I used to learn programming for Mathematica. That program was ...
In order to reduce the stress concentration and improve the failure strength of adhesively bonded joint structures, a smart adhesively bonded joint structure has been ...
Schroedinger's equation is numerically solved by calling an external subroutine from within Mathematica. By importing the Fortran subroutine (named SCHROED, which implements ...
Note: This is a discontinued product. In this two-part exercise, you will call a LabVIEW Virtual Instrument (VI) from Mathematica to acquire some LabVIEW data and put it ...