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Note: This is a discontinued product. Experimental Japanese language kit for Mathematica CalcCenter 3. This add-on translates the key Mathematica CalcCenter 3 interface ...
This paper describes an approach to extending the learning experience using a Web-CAI system incorporated with MATHEMATICA, which is an advanced calculating software widely ...
Fundamental to Mathematica's dynamic interactivity capabilities is a new form of symbolic dynamic language. With a very small number of highly powerful primitives that mix ...
Mathematica will likely never support the rich, designer-centric interface that a good 3D design tool requires. Rhino, a 3D design tool, will most certainly never offer the ...
This article introduces the Mathematica package HEPMath which provides a number of utilities and algorithms for High Energy Physics computations in Mathematica. Its ...
InterCall completely integrates the symbolic capabilities of Mathematica with the numeric routines of any external library. You can pass a Mathematica function, array, or any ...
The Fire.ma notebook contains a 60 frame animation of a fire. A fire texture, based on standard noise generating techniques, is written as a Mathematica function and then ...
Processing of two-dimensional (and increasingly three-dimensional) signals in the form of grayscale or color images has become an important research and investigation tool in ...
This is a guided tour through the new features in the upcoming version of Mathematica. We have made quite a bit of progress since Version 3, and some example areas include ...
We are constructing modules on electromagnetics using Mathematica to generate the code and graphics and HyperCard to store the graphics in a mode that allows student ...