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The Wolfram Functions Site functions.wolfram.com contains the largest collection of identities for elementary and special functions ever assembled. The site is generated from ...
We describe an additional module for the Mathematica package FeynRules that allows for an easy building of any N = 1 supersymmetric quantum field theory, directly in ...
The IMTEK Mathematica Supplement, or IMS for short is an open source Mathematica add-on and provides a wealth of packages and tutorials from a variety of application areas, ...
The GnuDisplay package generates Gnuplot 3.0 input files from Plot and Line -Graphics- Objects of Mathematica 2.0. The PlotLabel is also included. These plots are then ready ...
For users of Macintosh Common Lisp (available from Digitool), mma-link.lisp allows you to use Mathematica commands within the Lisp environment. It uses solely the AppleEvent ...
Previously, we developed a classical solid angle function that is valid only when the light is traveling within a homogeneous medium. As soon as the light path contains a ...
RADIA is a three-dimensional magnetostatics computer code optimized for the design of undulators and wigglers. It solves boundary magnetostatics problems with magnetized and ...
I wasn't a card magician before. After reading Michael Keleber's paper [1], "The Best Card Trick" (Mathematical Intelligencer 24 #1, Winter 2002), I want to become one. ...
This talk will be a showcase of the new Wolfram Workbench development environment. The Wolfram Workbench provides a comprehensive suite of tools for working with all aspects ...
This is a hands-on workshop on the new Wolfram Workbench development environment. The Wolfram Workbench provides a comprehensive suite of tools for working with all aspects ...