1281 - 1290 of 1977 for functions
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A general method for approximate solution of one-dimensional Schrödinger equations with a wide range of square-integrable potentials is described. The potential is expanded ...
In this paper we design an algorithm using operational calculus methods and Mathematica functional programming operators. The purpose of the algorithm is the computation of ...
General expressions for matrix elements of the electric multipole operators in axial and triaxial harmonic oscillator basis are given. In each case we present algorithms ...
A solution for the phase problem in 4Pi(A)-confocal fluorescence microscopy has been found by observation orthogonal to the optical axis. Three-dimensional intensity ...
In his study of papers by Osgood of Kolchin on rational approximations of algebraic functions, Schmidt observed and proved a theorem which states that the dimension of the ...
Symbolic algebra relevant to the renormalization of gauge theories can be efficiently performed by machine using modern packages. We devise a scheme for representing and ...
The use of minimax approximation is suggested as the best possible approach during the evaluation of stress intensity factors from the respective integral including the ...
The random motion of the particles in a two-species system in the presence of an external field, originally proposed as a model of certain kinds of materials known as ...
Diffusion-Limited-Aggregation is a simple model which represents a kinetic growth process which is prevalent in nature. It consists of particles undergoing Brownian motion ...
An economy consisting of identical perfectly competitive firms with real liquidity costs and a one-period production lag has a locally unstable stationary equilibrium with ...