991 - 1000 of 1977 for function
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The British flag (or 'Union Jack') is transformed so that if it is viewed from above with a straight-sided reflective cone placed in its center, the viewer perceives its ...
This example illustrates automatic segmentation of color images using several of the new ImageProcessing functions added in Version 2. The scheme employed in this example ...
This papers describes how Mathematica may be used to solve partial differential equations relevant to American options. Particular emphasis is placed on the way in which the ...
This talk will discuss ParametricNDSolve, a new function in Mathematica 9 that builds on NDSolve to make working with numerical differential equations with parameters easier ...
A tutorial on methods of integration used by Mathematica. Reprint from the Mathematica Conference, June 1992, Bosotn. 23 pages.
SphericalDensityPlot3D is a plotting routine, that makes a density plot on a spherical surface e.g. for plotting some angular dependence of a function The usage is ...
sci2mma acts as a filter or file conversion utility to convert occurances of strings of the form "1.234e-5" to "1.234*10^-5 . Thus a text file produced by a program written ...
Compatible with Mathematica 3.0. Includes coverage of various paradigms of programming, including logic programming, higher-order functions, combinatory algebras, and Turing ...
The condition for the DAE index to be higher than one is calculated symbolically. Using Analog Insydes a function for the computer algebra system Mathematica is written. It ...
Algorithms will be presented for the Tanh and Sech methods that lead to closed-form solutions of nonlinear ordinary and partial differential equations (ODEs and PDEs). New ...