981 - 990 of 1977 for function
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The statistical functions of Mathematica are explored using a case study Einfuehrung in die statistischen Funktionen von Mathematica Anhand eines Fallsbeispiels wird in ...
This is a presentation of the core Genetic Programming routines for use with Mathematica. Previously limited to Lisp, Genetic Programming can now be implemented for a wide ...
A demonstration of technologies developed at Wolfram Research for testing Mathematica products. After a brief overview, see how Software Quailty Assurance engineers apply ...
An introduction and overview of Mathematica 9's new unit system. This talk includes a brief summary of the unit system's features and functions, as well as application ...
Magnetica is a tool for the analysis and calculation of magnetostatics and applications. By taking advantage of a certain number of specific functions of Mathematica, it ...
These tutorials were written to be used during "intersession" at Illinois Math and Science Academy to introduce students to Mathematica. Topics Introduction / Palettes / ...
Mathematica, a symbolic computer mathematics program, is used to construct a tool package for ground-water flow and contaminant simulations. High level, mnemonic functions ...
A general procedure is presented for obtaining the form of exchange-correlation potentials arising from semilocal electron density functionals. The procedure is implemented ...
Linear programming and the simplex algorithm are fundamental in the theory and practice of optimization. In this article, the first of two parts, we exploit the symbolic ...
Using Mathematica, you can import and transform arbitrary XML documents, export notebooks as XML files, and work with popular XML formats such as SVG and MathML. This article ...