961 - 970 of 1977 for function
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Survey of Sites (Jean Buck): Wolfram Research hosts a number of information-intensive sites. A survey of these sites and some little know facts about them will be given. The ...
Log-Book.m is a package for logging of parts of sessions in a comfortable way. OpenLog opens and CloseLog closes a log-book. Between these commands, input, output, and ...
The energies of hydrogenic impurity states with an impurity atom located at the center of a quantum dot and on the axis of a quantum-well wire are studied. These two systems ...
The number state method is used to study soliton bands for three anharmonic quantum lattices: (i) The discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation, (ii) The Ablowitz-Ladik ...
In mathematical physics and introductory quantum mechanics classes I have found that students are puzzled by the formidable-looking partial-wave expansion of plane waves in ...
To evaluate the class of integrals f1-1e-axf(x) dx, where alpha is an element of R+ and the function f(x) is known only approximately in a tabular form, we wish to use a ...
We use a Bayesian approach to fitting a linear regression model to transformations of the natural parameter for the exponential class of distributions. The usual Bayesian ...
Electronic edition of a major revision of the popular Beginner's Guide to Mathematica Version 2. An ideal first book for anyone getting started with Mathematica, or ...
The calculating powers of Mathematica have been turned skyward with Scientific Astronomer, a unique software package that allows users to determine which constellations, ...
The Mathematica application package UnRisk STANDARD offers a collection of elegantly implemented Mathematica functions and objects that map all types of day and calendar ...