951 - 960 of 1977 for function
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By introducing general functions which depend on distance, a general scheme which determines the equilibrium solutions for the generalized restricted three-body problem is ...
The package KochSnowflake.m defines a function to draw the Koch snowflake. The Koch snowflake is constructed by starting with an equilateral triangle, then adding to each ...
Manipulate is a new function built into the upcoming version of Mathematica that enables users to create dynamic user interfaces as easily as they might create a table or a ...
This example shows the core functionality of MathCode F90 by compiling a trivial Mathematica function that adds two numbers. It shows how the compilation is performed and how ...
The chasing method proposed by Gelfand and Lokutzievskii and implemented in the Mathematica package "Numerical Solution of Linear Boundary Value Problems" is described. This ...
Manipulate is a new function built into the upcoming version of Mathematica that enables users to create dynamic user interfaces as easily as they might create a table or a ...
This package provides a function of the same name to improve a Contour or Region plot by removing all extraneous polygons. Such 2D region plots create very complicated ...
This notebook examines the Fundamental Theorem of Differential Calculus by showing differentiation across different size intervals and subintervals for several basic ...
This package contains functions used to construct matrix graphs and to illustrate certain components of generalized k-dimensional n-square matrices and matrix graphs as ...
Geometrica is an application of Mathematica whose symbolic, numeric and graphical functions are used to create a package of 2D and 3D geometry. The functions cover theorems, ...