811 - 820 of 1977 for function
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The method of analytic continuation is used to formulate a condition that is equivalent to the Riemann hypothesis on the zeros of the zeta function. Numerical experiments to ...
Rules automatically generating the classical shape functions and finite difference patterns are developed. Finite difference solutions of Laplace equation, Fourier equation, ...
Compact (4" x 8.5") overview of Mathematica commands and functions. Contains extensively cross-referenced listing of all commands in Mathematica Version 2, including commands ...
Intended for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in economics and business. Covers the mathematical topics and applications that are the mainstay of economics. Comes ...
This adaptation of Mathematica: A System for Doing Mathematics by Computer is the student's ideal road map and guidebook to Mathematica. Offers a shorter and simpler version ...
An example of Bucky Numbers (fields isomorphic to the cyclotomic fields) and the Synergetics Coordinate System used to solve a problem normally solved by the LinearSolve ...
The built-in functions Re, Im, Conjugate, Abs, and Arg evaluate for numbers only. The package Algebra`ReIm` extends Re, Im, and Conjugate to symbols and expressions. This ...
This code generates a sequence of frames that can be animated to show a secant line approaching the tangent line to a user-supplied curve. In the example shown, the function ...
AuthorTools is an add-on package that simplifies the task of creating publication-quality books and articles from notebooks. This article reviews the features of AuthorTools ...
In this talk, we will present we will present upcoming Mathematica-based packages AceGen and AceFEM. An overview of the functioning and features of the product will be given, ...