731 - 740 of 1977 for function
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This notebook defines a function which allows you to get the largest prime smaller than a number x or a list of the n largest primes less than x.
These files contain functions to construct, manipulate, and describe closed convex polyhedra in d-dimensional space. Included are also some simple tests and an exposition of ...
It introduces for Mathematica novice the recipe to deal with how to run programs, functions, Edit menu, and explains the list of the important factors that play a key role as ...
This item provides functions to simulate a back propagated neural network, to classify exemplars based on network results, and to examine graphically and numerically the ...
this paper presents a contribution to the development of symbolic computation tools for discrete-time nonlinear control systems. A set of functions is developed in ...
In view of the recent experimental results at CERN, we calculate exactly the Q2-dependence of the inelastic leptoproduction cross-section of J/Psi. We also make predictions ...
Graph drawing algorithms automatically layout connectivity information in a visually appealing way. Applications of graph drawing include software engineering (flow charts), ...
Mathematica 8 provides tools for running code on your computer's GPU using either CUDA or OpenCL. These tools lower the barriers to GPU computing dramatically. I will show ...
The FeynArts model file MSSMdreg2dred implements MSSM transition counterterms which can convert one-loop Green functions from dimensional regularization to dimensional ...
The Mathematica function NDSolve is a general numerical differential equation solver. It can handle a wide range of ordinary differential equations as well as some partial ...