661 - 670 of 1977 for function
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Tomography is the process of reconstructing an image from projections through the image. This article presents an introduction to the algorithm and Mathematica functions for ...
We can not only count the number of cases resulting from the application of combinatorial functions--we can visualize them as well.
This notebook defines two functions -- SimpleGrid and FancyGrid -- which can be used to produce customized grids on Mathematica plots.
This talk will provide an overview of numerical computing with Mathematica, including number types, working with vectors and matrices, and doing numerical approximations with ...
This series of Mathematica notebooks provides a visual and analytic introduction to the Cantor set, the Cantor function, and some generalizations. The Cantor set is a ...
ChineseLeapMonths is a package for computing information about Chinese leap months and the date of Chinese New Year. It uses the functions of Nachum Dershowitz and Edward M. ...
Digital Image Processing defines a large number of specialized functions in order to increase your productivity in performing many common image analysis operations. ...
The package "Pauli" is designed to represent square matrices in the basis of Pauli matrices and their higher-rank generalizations. Its basic function is to translate between ...
Mathematical modeling of the carcinogenic process has recently attracted considerable amonut of research efforts from quantitative cancer researchers. This notebook ...
The interval version of the bisection method is a powerful and relatively recently discovered way of finding several roots of a nonlinear equation. In this note we shall ...