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601 - 610 of 1977 for function Search Results
A constant that describes the energy inherent in salt has connections with subtleties of analytic functions and number theory.
This is an example illustrating some basic functions and how they are used in MathOptimizer Professional.
TSi Dynamics Multibody Modeling ...   (MathSource: Packages and Programs)
TSi Dynamics is a Mathematica package containing functions that support the assembly of mathematical models and simulation models for mechanical systems. In its current form, ...
Riemannian Geometry & Tensor ...   (MathSource: Packages and Programs)
This package introduces definitions for tensor calculations in Riemannian Geometry. To begin a calculation the user must specify a Riemannian space by giving: a list of ...
A wide variety of chemical reactions can be modeled with coupled (often nonlinear) differential equations. These equations describe the time evolution of the concentrations ...
The validity of Lagrangian functional for linear dissipative oscillator is checked by using it as a tool for approximate solutions via direct methods of variational calculus. ...
InterCall connects Mathematica to externally compiled code, such as the extensive body of numerical routines in the NAG, IMSL, and netlib libraries. Built atop MathLink, it ...
Contains all of the functions found in CRC Standard Curves and Surfaces organized in a hierarchical, reference-type format. Mathematica expressions required to produce a ...
Curious Properties of an Iterative ...   (Conference Proceedings)
We define a function by dsf[n] = a+ a+ ... + a where {a, a, ..., a} is the list of the digits of an integer n. Suppose we start with any positive integer n, and repeatedly ...
Image Processing with Mathematica   (Conference Proceedings)
Mathematica 8 includes an advanced set of image processing functions to perform segmentation, registration, feature detection restoration, morphological analysis, and much ...
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