441 - 450 of 1977 for function
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The EnhancedGraphics package defines a modified graphics layout for all plot routines: improved tick labels typeset in Helvetica, frames instead of axes, and an adjustable ...
This package provides routines to plot functions with two variables on a grid or a specified curve to a Graphics3D object using the normal Plot function. In contrast to a ...
The objective of this presentation is to give a general overview of the technology involved in the implementation of the Mathematica 6.0 plotting functions. All the ...
The package `QRSdetection.m` contains all the functions necessary for non-real time implementation of the QRS complex detection algorithm for an EKG signal sampled with 200Hz ...
This book gives a general introduction to the most recent versions of Mathematica. It emphasizes graphics, methods of applied mathematics and statistics, and programming. ...
A development comparison of basic low-pass Butterworth and Bessel (aka Thomson) filter functions. Discusses mathematical functions, topology choices, and component selection ...
Designed for students in a self-paced or laboratory setting. Presents problems and explorations in calculus that can be completed with Mathematica in such areas as polynomial ...
An algorithm for finding discontinuities of certain functions in the complex plane and its application to computing definite integrals. The algorithm is rigorous only when ...
The parallel version of the multidimensional numerical integration package Cuba is presented and achievable speed-ups discussed. The parallelization is based on the fork/wait ...
The notebook nspline.nb contains a Mathematica command which produces the natural cubic spline coefficients for a set of 2D data points. Examples of its use to create and ...