351 - 360 of 1977 for function
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An introductory textbook for undergraduate engineering students learning the basic concepts of randomness and modeling random systems. Features include easy-to-follow ...
The notebook solves a PDE, describing adsorption with longitudinal diffusion assuming equilibrium, using NDSolve. The result, breakthrough curves, is compared to the ...
This package provides functions for Groebner Basis and Normal form computations in polynomial rings over the rational field and the fields of integers modulo a prime. Unlike ...
Talk discusses the following items: 1. LAPACK 2. LAPACK and Machine-Precision Linear Algebra Functions 3. New Linear Algebra Functions 4. Arbitrary-Precision Linear Algebra ...
Note: This is a discontinued product. Archival documentation » The Mathematica application package Signals and Systems is the only signal processing and analysis tool ...
Students will understand how to graph functions that represent stretches or inversions of given functions. Also, students will understand how changing each portion of an ...
SplineWavelet.m is a Mathematica package in which functions to deal with a sequence of data are defined. Using the compactly supported scaling functions and wavelets besed on ...
The built-in function Fit finds a least-squares fit to a list of data as a linear combination of functions and variables specified by the user. Suppose we want to fit a ...
We review several notebooks at functions.wolfram.com and show that closed form expressions for general derivatives of some functions can be written in a shorter form (as a ...
Psychophysica is a set of software tools for psychophysical research. Functions are provided for calibrated visual displays, for fitting and plotting of psychometric ...