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311 - 320 of 1977 for function Search Results
Proving the Riemann Hypothesis Over ...   (Conference Proceedings)
This program shows the implementation of the Earley parsing algorithm which takes the production rules of grammar of a formal context-free language and an input string and ...
To demonstrate some useful features of Mathematica's design, we turn to Benninga and Wiener's short paper on Value-at-Risk (VaR), the modern risk-measuring index. VaR is ...
Today, anywhere in the world, an expression such as x^3 + 2003 can be understood by anyone with mathematical training. In centuries past, other methods have been used. This ...
Digital Image Processing Package   (Conference Proceedings)
Processing of two-dimensional signals, typically in the form of gray-scale or color images, has become an important research and investigation tool in many areas of science ...
This textbook on mathematical methods of physics is designed for a one-semester graduate or two-semester advanced undergraduate course. Formal methods are supplemented by ...
Background: The disordered Tubulin Polymerization Promoting Protein/p25 (TPPP/p25) modulates the dynamics and stability of the microtubule system. In this paper the role of ...
This book depicts a wide range of situations in which there exist finite form representations for the Meijer G and the Fox H functions. Accordingly, it will be of interest to ...
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